Tuesday, April 28, 2015


I have not contributed to our class Wiki so far, however, what my Wiki will be on is Technology in Theology.

I will focus on how small and mega-churches leverage technology, new media to reach the local community and the global community with the message of the gospel in ways that rival and outpace in some cases secular organizations. The research I've done surrounds social media, media rich websites that are mobile ready, media distribution of church events, music, pastoral blogs, mobile apps, etc.

I will demonstrate how the Christian church today is effectively using technology in numerous ways to reach the "lost" for Christ in amazing and effective ways. I will show how churches today are going beyond print, radio and TV and more heavily into new media technologies.

Much of my research stems from the work I've personally done at the mega church I work at The Brooklyn Tabernacle. Also, the churches around America we are affiliated with and have relationships with and their use of technology and new media.


Ron Salomon

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