Tuesday, March 31, 2015


New media is an engine that drives and fosters change and change is a driver and fuel for creativity. It not only informs but empowers individuals to express themselves in ways never thought of before. Blogging allows individuals to publish content, develop a following without years of journalistic credentials behind their names. Wikis allow us to present facts in new and dynamic ways. Social media allows us to engage in digital relationships with people half-way around the world. All these forms of new media has changed the landscape of communications forever. Organizations no longer have to build video libraries of content to train or inform their staff or clients. They can easily develop content and  publish it in minutes to whomever they wish. Making content freely and easily available like never before. YouTube and Vimeo (in a small degree) are fast becoming the defacto standards for communicating video content around the world. The use of Mashups are changing the way digital music elements are handled and the legalities surrounding them.

The key ingredient that new media contains is the freedom of self-expression" that it gives the average person which is at the heart of creativity.

Companies like Twitter are engaging customers in new cost effective, creative ways. They're monitoring and engaging their customers in ways that drive innovation for their company and ways that other companies from other industries can leverage. This is changing how organizations market and engage clients and yield tremendous amounts of direct client/customer information. Things that would take months and years are happening in days and weeks.

1. Frere-Jones, S. (2005, January). 1+1+1+1 =1. The New Yorker. Retrieved from http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2005/01/10/050110crmu_music

2.  Miller C., C. (2009, October). Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers . Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/26/technology/internet/26twitter.html

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